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Itinerary II. Business plan and financial economic plan

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

In this workshop you will discover the strategies and tools that will allow you to plan and develop a business plan. Likewise, the key concepts for successful entrepreneurship will be addressed: legal forms, […]

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#DesayunaNetworking on customer experience

Villaverde business incubator Avenida Orovilla, 54, Madrid

The client's experience for the growth of our project is fundamental, it is of great importance to retain and increase our client portfolio. The objective of the event is to strengthen […]

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No Code tools for entrepreneurs


Would you like to know non-code tools, useful for your business? Pay attention! In this workshop, practical examples of no code tools for each […]

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Mercadona. What can we learn as entrepreneurs from this company?

Moratalaz Nursery C/ Camino de los Vinateros, 106, Madrid

The objective of this course is to present some of the challenges that the company has faced throughout its history and explain how it has managed to solve them with strategic decisions that have led it to have resounding competitive success.

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Integra los ODS en tu proyecto o empresa

Madrid Food Innovation Hub Paseo de Alberto Palacios 13, Madrid

Integra los ODS en tu proyecto o empresa agrifoodtech. El programa PRODS desarrollado por Sustainable Startup & Co, ayuda a organizaciones a su integración de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible […]

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Gala de entrega del premio Madrid Impacta 2022

Conde Duque Contemporary Culture Center C/ Conde Duque 11, Madrid

El Ayuntamiento de Madrid te invita a la gala de entrega del premio Madrid Impacta 2022. El objetivo de este premio es impulsar la consolidación de las empresas sociales y el […]

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