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Digital marketing and web design fundamentals


"Digital marketing and web design fundamentals" is part of the virtual tutored training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a […]

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Itinerary III. Digital marketing and web design fundamentals

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

In this workshop we will evaluate the need to have a global digital marketing plan, and we will provide the knowledge and techniques to work on it. We will also see the fundamentals of Web design […]

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Los conceptos financieros claves para emprender

Vivero from Puente de Vallecas C/ Diligence, 9, Madrid

Those attending this course will be able to learn new concepts and update their knowledge of financial information to launch an entrepreneurial project, grow their company or business or accelerate their […]

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