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Lean Startup Fundamentals. 1st edition 2023


"Fundamentals of Lean Startup" is part of the Madrid Emprende tutored virtual training, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a business project and […]

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Itinerary II. Public procurement for SMEs and entrepreneurs

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Public procurement is an instrument to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for SMEs and entrepreneurs. Indeed, the public procurement directives adopted since 2014 provide a […]

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Design your idea and take action

Vivero from San Blas C/ Alcalá, 586, Madrid

Do you want to undertake? Do you have an idea but don't know how to give it shape? With this networking you will be able to share your ideas and, […]

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Meeting of women entrepreneurs in Villaverde

Sign up for the "Meeting of women entrepreneurs in Villaverde". In this meeting, experiences of business women and professional managers of entrepreneurial projects will be shared. Visibility will be given to women entrepreneurs […]

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