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Digital marketing and web design fundamentals
22-November-2022 — 00:00 - 7-December-2022 — 23:30
“Marketing digital y fundamentos de diseño web” forma parte de la formación virtual tutorizada de Madrid Emprende, que son acciones formativas relacionadas con temáticas de interés tanto para emprender un proyecto empresarial como para la mejora de una empresa existente.
It's a formation on-line asistida por un tutor experto, que se desarrollará entre noviembre y diciembre.
The objective is to provide the necessary knowledge and professional training to people interested in starting or consolidating an entrepreneurial activity, contributing to improving their personal and professional skills and abilities as key factors for business development. The course will be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and lasts four weeks. During these four weeks there will be an expert tutor who will resolve doubts and correct practical cases.
If you want to participate in these training activities, all you need is:
- entrepreneurial mindset
- Interest in training
- A business idea in the early stages, or a newly created business
- A device with an internet connection to access the platform and carry out the training
The training will take place in the virtual environment Classroom Undertakes.
Start date: 22 de noviembre de 2022
Ending date: 20 de diciembre de 2022
Duration: 25 hours
Aportar los conocimientos necesarios para generar un plan de marketing digital global y conocer los fundamentos del diseño web y del e-commerce.
- digital marketing plan
- Market segmentation, NLP and marketing
- Sales phases and conversion funnel
- digital marketing tools
- inbound marketing
- Fundamentals and tools for web and e-commerce
- SEO and SEM positioning
- Web Analytics
Click on the image to see the diptych:
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