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Innovative digital products and services

Do you know the Design Thinking methodology? Would you like to know more about it, applied to innovative digital products and services? In this workshop we are going to help us move from idea to action with the application of Design Thinking, the Lean Startup methodology and the creation of Canvas business models, for the best strategic development [...]

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#BreakfastDigital Marketing Networking

Vicálvaro Nursery C/ Villablanca, 85, Madrid

We begin with #DesayunaNetworking, a new section in our nursery where each month we intend to address a theme, in a working breakfast, in relation to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. This month we will talk about the set of strategies that facilitate the optimal promotion of a brand on the Internet, in addition to the channels and methods that allow […]

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How to finance my business

Moratalaz Nursery C/ Camino de los Vinateros, 106, Madrid

The workshop "How to finance my business" aims to be a practical guide to the steps to be followed by entrepreneurs, and financing methods. Any entrepreneur starting their […]

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2022 Entrepreneurs Award Ceremony Gala

Conde Duque Contemporary Culture Center C/ Conde Duque 11, Madrid

El Ayuntamiento de Madrid te invita a la Gala de entrega del Premio Emprendedoras 2022 cuyo objetivo es premiar empresas lideradas por mujeres. El objetivo principal de este premio es contribuir al reconocimiento de proyectos originales, creativos e innovadores acometidos por mujeres para promover e impulsar el emprendimiento femenino, así como la generación de empleo e […]

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