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Digital transformation and creation of technology-based companies. 1st edition 2023

"Digital transformation and creation of technology-based companies" is part of the virtual tutored training of Madrid Emprende, which are training actions related to topics of interest both for starting a business project and for improving an existing company. It is an online training assisted by an expert tutor, which will take place in […]

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Accelerate your reach with Linkedin, Pinterest and Tiktok


Do you want to expand your expertise in social networks? Don't miss our next training! In this training act you will understand the advantages that LinkedIn, Pinterest and Tik Tok bring us and their target audience approaches. You will know all the functionalities oriented to the business, to increase the visibility and scope of your project. The combination of these networks […]

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Coffee Break with Berenice from Foresta Cloud, another way to host your website

Vivero from San Blas C/ Alcalá, 586, Madrid

¿Quieres conocer una historia emprendedora de éxito? ¡Te presentamos a Berenice Riu! Te invitamos a nuestro próximo Coffee Break de la mano de Berenice, exitosa fundadora de Foresta Cloud, que nos contará la mejor forma de construir una página web, cómo estructurarla, dónde subirla, cómo hacer que sea segura y cómo actualizarla de una forma […]

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Itinerary I. Communication and elevator pitch

Do you have a project and don't know how to communicate your business idea? Don't miss the next workshop "Itinerary I. Communication and elevator pitch"! We all have something to convey, we are all good at something, and the ability to express an idea is as important or more than the idea itself. Knowing what to say, saying it precisely […]

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II meeting with businessmen and businesswomen from Carabanchel

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Proponemos un encuentro de personas emprendedoras y empresarios y empresarias de Carabanchel para fomentar las iniciativas emprendedoras en el distrito. Durante la jornada se impartirá una charla y se establecerán dinámicas para el networking entre los asistentes. El objetivo de este encuentro es fortalecer la red de contactos entre las personas alojadas en el vivero […]

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design thinking. Ideation and innovative design applied to the creative industry

Do you want to start a creative business? Learn to get the most out of your ideas. Design Thinking is an action-oriented 100 % methodology. This methodology allows entrepreneurs and startups to quickly advance and test their hypotheses by implementing a creative, innovative and collaborative strategy with which we can generate in a very […]

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