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Itinerary II. Social entrepreneurship, sustainability and CSR

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Do you want your company to be more sustainable? Don't miss our "Itinerary II. Social entrepreneurship, sustainability and CSR"! There will be three days in which the characteristics of social entrepreneurship and the differences with the social enterprise will be shown. The fundamental components on which to act for the management of sustainability will also be discussed [...]

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Coffee Break with Colectivo4R


Are you interested in knowing everything about the circular economy? Have a coffee with us and discover everything about the new ethical trends and fair trade. In this Coffee Break we will talk about circular economy and new trends in ethical fashion and fair trade. We will have the experience of Maria José Mayordomo who will tell us about Toritas, […]

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Personal brand: creative thinking

Vicálvaro Nursery C/ Villablanca, 85, Madrid

The AVANZA Program launches its course of 4 training workshops focused on creating a personal brand and business idea. The workshop is aimed at people who have a business idea or want to learn how to transform their skills into micro activities. This training workshop will last 3 hours and has […]

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AJE Entrepreneurs Meeting

Vicálvaro Nursery C/ Villablanca, 85, Madrid

Discover, from the hand of Raúl Jiménez, the keys to youth entrepreneurship and some forms of financing for young entrepreneurs. In addition, you will have the opportunity to network and establish […]

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blockchain workshop

Coworking of the Pipo Velasco Youth Center (Usera) Calle Avena 5, Madrid

Do you want to deepen your knowledge about blockchain? We will learn practical tools and resources to implement business solutions based on blockchain. We will analyze how to apply blockchain technology to entrepreneurship. With the objective of […]

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