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Itinerary III. Digital transformation and creation of technology-based companies

Do you want to learn how to transform your company in the digital field? Sign up for "Itinerary III. Digital transformation and creation of technology-based companies"! In this workshop we will take a tour of the fundamental components of the business, which influence the improvement of competitiveness through the implementation of digital processes and their implementation […]

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Networking. Practical keys to written communication for entrepreneurs

Todo emprendedor necesita saber cómo comunicarse de manera eficaz. Las habilidades de comunicación son muy relevantes si deseas construir y mantener relaciones sólidas con tus empleados, clientes, socios e inversores. Estos conocimientos de comunicación esenciales a menudo se aprenden a lo largo del viaje de un emprendedor y, a veces, pueden llegar a uno mismo […]

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