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Business protocol

Moratalaz Nursery C/ Camino de los Vinateros, 106, Madrid

El protocolo empresarial es un documento que establece una serie de normas internas de conducta que se aplican en una organización en función de cada contexto en el que actúa. Objetivos Conocer los conceptos básicos del protocolo social, empresarial y oficial. Capacitar al participante para poder organizar y desarrollar una labor profesional en actos organizados […]

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Attract investors, launch your investment round (part II)

Vicálvaro Nursery C/ Villablanca, 85, Madrid

If you are looking for the right investors for your project, you can't miss this training! In this meeting, we will dive into an exhaustive analysis of the strategies necessary to complete a successful investment round. It's not just about finding investors; but to find the right ones for our project. To do this, first let's […]

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