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Lean Startup Fundamentals. 1st edition 2023

"Fundamentals of Lean Startup" is part of the Madrid Emprende tutored virtual training, which are training actions related to topics of interest both to undertake a business project and […]

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Funding II for startups


«Financiación II para startups» para tener una visión general sobre las formas en las que una startup puede financiarse y descubrir qué opción se adapta mejor a cada modelo de […]

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Online Reputation. How to manage our digital identity?


In the workshop “Online reputation. How to manage our digital identity?”, participants will learn how to develop their digital personal brand from scratch. In addition, during the 4 hours of training, the aim is to develop and implement a strategy that helps them give visibility to their brand and reputation. After this workshop the participants will have learned how to develop […]

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La importancia de reinventarse y del talento senior

Vivero from San Blas C/ Alcalá, 586, Madrid

La palabra reinventarse ha pasado a formar parte de nuestro vocabulario cotidiano. La reinvención de las empresas, de los modelos de negocio, de sectores de la economía... y la reinvención personal. Si algo caracteriza a estos tiempos es la tendencia al cambio profesional o de empleo. En esta jornada de networking podrás conectar con otros […]

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Enhance your entrepreneurial skills

Vicálvaro Nursery C/ Villablanca, 85, Madrid

The AVANZA Program launches its course of 4 training workshops focused on creating a personal brand and business idea. The workshop is aimed at people who have a business idea or want to learn how to transform their skills into micro activities. In this training workshop, we will delve into the SWOT, or also known […]

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Itinerary II. Social entrepreneurship, sustainability and CSR

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Do you want your company to be more sustainable? Don't miss our "Itinerary II. Social entrepreneurship, sustainability and CSR"! There will be three days in which the characteristics of social entrepreneurship and the differences with the social enterprise will be shown. The fundamental components on which to act for the management of sustainability will also be discussed [...]

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Emotional self-management in times of stress

Moratalaz Nursery C/ Camino de los Vinateros, 106, Madrid

The work and personal environment has undergone an enormous acceleration due to the operation of the information age in which the exchange of data is constant. This vertiginous pace sometimes leads us to lose awareness of what we are experiencing first hand and what we want to contribute as protagonists of our […]

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