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Corporate identity of a brand

Vivero from Puente de Vallecas C/ Diligence, 9, Madrid

How to create and protect the brand in all the environments where the company operates. This course aims to guide how to create the brand identity of a company, either because they create it again or because they have to evolve it because it is obsolete. In addition, it teaches how to apply it […]

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Talent management from the restorative approach

Moratalaz Nursery C/ Camino de los Vinateros, 106, Madrid

Managing relationships between people from a restorative approach is a professional practice that makes it easier to work on respect and assertiveness as a guarantee of business growth and process improvement. New technologies have changed the world of work. Digital tools have transformed our way of communicating, solving problems and […]

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Startup law: everything you need to know

Carabanchel business incubator C/ Cidro 3, Madrid

Do you know all the benefits that the new startup law provides to the entrepreneurial community? In this face-to-face networking, all the benefits it offers for those projects that […]

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