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Digital marketing and web design fundamentals

"Marketing digital y fundamentos de diseño web" forma parte de la formación virtual tutorizada de Madrid Emprende, que son acciones formativas relacionadas con temáticas de interés tanto para emprender un proyecto empresarial como para la mejora de una empresa existente. Es una formación online asistida por un tutor experto, que se desarrollará entre noviembre y […]

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Itinerary III. Digital marketing and web design fundamentals

In this workshop we will evaluate the need to have a global digital marketing plan, and we will provide the knowledge and techniques to work on it. We will also see the fundamentals of Web design and e-commerce. We will present the tools that allow us to understand the environment and make the right decisions regarding the appropriate channels for […]

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Meeting with businessmen from the Vicálvaro district. Talk about digital transformation

We invite you to the next meeting of entrepreneurs from the Vicálvaro district, open to entrepreneurs and business people from the district interested in digital transformation. It is a meeting to promote entrepreneurial initiatives and help with the absence of forums or associations of local relevance. During this day we will give a talk to promote entrepreneurship […]

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Coffee Break with Andrés Lorbada

Come to Coffee Break with Andrés Lorbada! These beer enthusiasts, a little over 10 years ago, learned how to make it in a chemical engineering and alcohol manufacturing course at the University of Gdansk (Poland). Since then, first as fans from home, and now as professionals, beer is already part of their […]

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Creating social impact is easy if you know how

¿Quieres crear impacto social y no sabes cómo? Durante la sesión, estudiaremos opciones sobre como las empresas consiguen crear valor económico y social. Analizaremos ejemplos de proyectos de emprendimiento que actualmente consiguen crear valor social. Descubriremos el perfil del emprendedor social: un test para mirarse al espejo. Programa de 4 horas de duración en el […]

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